Nick Vujicic on Healing Camp

Today, I watched Healing Camp. It's a popular Korean talk show, and for this week's episode, they brought out Nick Vujicic. I have seen Youtube videos of his speeches before, but today I was struck once again by his story and the love he has for everyone. Every word that came out of his mouth was so inspirational and motivational. Aside from this, he also talked about how he met his wife. They have such a beautiful and amazing story. The story goes like this:

Before Nick Vujicic went to Texas to give one of his speeches, his friend told him that there is someone she wants him to meet. After giving this speech, he went to a bell tower to meet this person his friend has told him about. There were two women that came to the bell tower that night, one being the person he is married to today (Kanae). He stated that as soon as he saw her, he felt firework going off in his heart. They both ended the night planning on emailing each other in the future. However, the person the friend wanted to introduce was actually Kanae's sister (the second person that was at the bell tower that night).

After this night, the friend asked what he thought of her (speaking of Kanae's sister). He simply stated that he liked her. Because of this miscommunication, Nick did not receive any emails from Kanae. On his next trip to Texas, he went to Kanae's house only to find out that she had gone on a date with her boyfriend, which she had dated for one year. That night, he met with her and asked if she was going to marry her boyfriend, and she replied, "No." When he asked about why she had not emailed her, she said it was because she heard that he liked her sister. When they finally cleared up the miscommunication , Nick said two words, "Bell Tower." She answered, "Our eyes." 

Knowing that he was not the only one who fell in love that night, he decided to do one thing. He wanted to make sure this is what God had planned for the both of them. Nick and Kanae promised not to have any form of communication (email, phone calls, or texts) until the next time they met. After a couple months, Nick went to Texas to met her; this is when he realized that his love for her was even greater than before. This is when they started their journey together. 

He proposed to her by putting the ring in a cake. He ate the cake and told her that he was going to kiss her hand and he put the ring on with his mouth. With this, they started their journey together as man and wife. Now, they have the most adorable 4 month old boy. 

This story was so inspirational. I realized that God has his plans, so we need to wait patiently until God tells us it is time. (: One day, I hope to meet a guy that is a man of God to begin my journey of life with. 

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