Update + First Impressions on Blackhead Removal Activated Carbon Set

WOW, I don't know how long it's been since I sat down in front of a blank blog post screen. I do apologize for my absence from the blogging community. I haven't been mass producing YouTube videos either, so if it makes anyone feel a little better, my blog wasn't the only thing being neglected ;)

I have so many reviews, so many YouTube video posts to make, so *fingers crossed* hopefully, I'll be able to catch up on my blog entries soon.

Today, I'm going to introduce you to a product I've been really excited to try out. As I was browsing the different ways to remove blackheads and make pores look smaller, I happened to stumble upon StyleSuzi's video introducing this same product. It's the My Scheming Blackhead Removal Activted Carbon Set. I purchased mine off of eBay.

I did do a step-by-step demo and First Impressions of the product, which you can click here to watch:

Unfortunately, it may have been a matter of me not letting Step 1 sit for a longer period of time, or that my pores just weren't opened (as gross as that may sound to some of you), but as you seen in the video, it didn't really work for me. I saw very little on the mask itself and was super disappointed. BUT, yes there is a BIG BUT, I tried it again the next night because I wasn't convinced that the product wasn't going to work. So I took the product out of the packaging again, and toss the instructions aside and decided to do it my way :P 

There were two things I did differently this time around. First, I washed my face with a cleanser under warm/hot (not scalding hot) water. I really got around my nose area and held the warm water against my skin for a while. Then, I applied step one, and made sure to massage it into the skin around my nose (where I felt like there were leftover blackheads basically). So when I went around to apply step two, I felt like my skin was a lot more prepared. I was on the fence about whether or not to wash off step one before moving on or not, but in the end, I decided it would be better to.  

I really wish I had taken a picture of the dried mask at the end, but I wanted to let you all know, that this product did in fact work for me. All it does is pull out all the gunk in the pores. It doesn't make the appearance of pores smaller. They just look cleaner.

I honestly don't know if this works "better" than a pore strip because I've never used a pore strip before. I was always told that pore strips will make your pores larger, so I edged away from using it. I hope this product doesn't do the same thing. Well, that's all I have to say about this product :) 

If you have any questions for me, please leave them in the comments below. Then, until next time. 

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