Puppy 101 :: Feeding Your Puppy

My friends believe that eating food is a big factor a person's daily life. I cannot agree more. We, as people, have the choice to eat what we want whenever we want. We stay away from foods we don't like or have allergies to, but what about your puppy? Let me just tell you this, when it come to feeding your puppy, it's a whole other dilemma.

Of course when I first got Candy, I had no idea what I could and could not give here. My mom and I did a lot of research and we came down with a compiled list. Hopefully, this will help someone who is in need of guidance. I am not an expert on "How to Raise a Puppy," but I can tell you that I truly love learning new things about caring for my puppy and finding new ways of making her healthy.

I'm sure all of you puppy-manias have dealt with this situation before: You're eating a meal or snack, and out of the corner of your eye, you see your puppy or dog sitting there staring at you, wagging their tail. You also see their eyes moving in each direction your hand moves. You tell yourself to resist to urge to look over, but you give in and slow turn your head and BAM! Your eyes meet. Game over. "Okay, come here, I'll give you a piece."

If you're laughing and know that this happens to you way too often, at least know what food dogs are allowed and not allowed to have. Let's begin :)

Not Allowed: 
1. Avocados: Avocados contain a substance called persin. Persin is found in the leaves, seed, bark, and in the actual fruit. Make sure that you keep your dog away from the plants.

2. Alcohol: This, I hope, is a given. Alcohol has the same effect on a dog's liver and brain as it has on humans. However, a little can do more damage for dogs (especially for smaller dogs). Some signs and symptoms (S/S) can be vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficult breathing, coma, and even death.

Sad dog regarding onions and garlic3. Onions and Garlic: Any form of onion and garlic (powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated) will damage and destroy a dog's red blood cells, which will lead to anemia. An occasional small dose is probably okay, but eating large quantities at once will definitely be harmful. S/S of anemia include weakness, vomiting, little interest in food, dullness, and breathlessness. (A human side note: Garlic can be used as a blood-thinning substance for humans, but do not have it anywhere near your dogs!)

Dog watching cream pouring into coffee4. Coffee, Tea, or Other Caffeine: Caffeine can be fatal to your dog and there is no antidote to cure it. S/S include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, fits, and bleeding. Common foods that contain caffeine are cocoa, chocolate, colas, energy drinks, cold medicine, or pain killers.

5. Grapes and Raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. A small amount can make a dog severely sick. Repeated vomiting is an early sign. Within a day, the dog will become lethargic and depressed. So make sure you don't leave it on top of your table tops or anywhere your dog may be able to reach it.

Sad dog longing for ice-cream cone6. Milk and Dairy Products: In the first couple months of life, puppies drink breast milk, so why is it not okay to give milk now? Well, milk and dairy products cause diarrhea and upset stomach. It can also become a trigger to other food allergies, which is manifested through itching.

7. Macadamia Nuts: Once again, a little can do a lot of your little ones. S/S include muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate.

Sad dog gazing at chocolate cake8. Candy, Gum and Sweets: Another obvious? Here's the reason why: Xylitol, which is used as a sweetener, causes an increase of insulin in your dog's bloodstream, which in return, decreases the blood glucose levels. Early S/S are vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination. However, late S/S include seizures or even liver failure. Sugary food can also lead to obesity, dental problems and even diabetes.

9. Fat trimmings and Bones: No, this is a big no-no. Fats (either cooked or uncooked) can cause pancreatitis (inflammation of your pancreas) in your dog. It may also seem normal to give a dog a bone, but dogs can choke on it, or sharp ends of bones can cause an obstruction of laceration in your dog's stomach or intestine. I have definitely have a couple incidents where Candy found her way into the leftovers. This may not be the most decisive solution, but if your dog poos, you're good!

10. Persimmons, Peaches, and Plums: The actual fruit isn't the problem, it's those SEEDS! They can cause an inflammation of the small intestine, or an obstruction. Peach and plum seeds contain cyanide, which is poisonous to both humans and dogs!
Sad dog and raw egg
11. Raw Eggs: First off, raw eggs may cause food poisoning from Salmonella or E. coli. Second, raw eggs have an enzyme that prevent dogs from absorbing vitamin B, which will cause skin problems in your dog. Candy LOVES eggs. What I usually do is cook an egg with coconut oil and give her little pieces once in a while. Any other dogs go crazy for eggs?

12. Raw Meat and Fish: It will cause food poisoning, and if not treated, it will be fatal in two weeks. First signs of illness are vomiting, fever, and big lymph nodes. Make sure to cook meat and fish thoroughly and make sure to remove the bones!

13. Salt: Dogs don't sweat, so if your dog eats a lot of salt, this can't be good. S/S of sodium ion poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperatures, seizures, or even death.

14. Yeast Dough: When you put the dough in the oven, it rises, right? Well, that's exactly what it will do in your dog's stomach. It will cause a lot of pain. Also, the alcohol in the dough can cause poisoning.
Papillon looking soulfully at bread dough
Lastly, do not share you medicine, such as Tylenol or Motrin, with your dog. Also, baking powder/soda, nutmeg, and other spices are very toxic to dogs, so make sure they are out of your dog's reach. Just in case your dog ingests something he/she weren't suppose to, it's always safe to have the number of your local vet, the closest emergency clinic, and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888) 426-4435.

After that extensive list of NOs, what is allowed, right? Well, in my opinion, you should not replace dog food with human food. Dog food usually contain most of the nutrients and vitamins that dogs need, so it is not necessary to provide a variety of boosts and supplements with human food. However, it is definitely okay to give dogs some types of human food and here is the short and simple list.

1. Lean meats: Make sure you remove visible fat and all the bones. And of course, make sure to cook thoroughly.

Golden retriever puppy eating watermelon2. Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits that dogs are allowed to eat are apples, oranges, bananas, and watermelon. Make sure the seeds are removed. Vegetables that dogs are allowed to eat are carrot sticks, green beans, cucumber and zucchini slices, and even plain baked potato. Make sure you don't give you dog raw potato or potato that are beginning to bloom because it is poisonous.

3. White Rice and Pasta: Lastly, white rice and pasta can be okay after it is cooked. Sometimes, white rice with boiled chicken can relieve stomach upset for dogs.

I know this was a very long post; however, I hope that this was a good introduction to the "Puppy 101" series. Specific details from the list were found on WebMd. Thank you for reading this lengthy post :)

Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Cincinnati Reds

I was at the Dodgers Stadium this past weekend (07/27/13) with my parents and bestie +Alyssa Marie Manlangit. I feel like it has been forever since I last went to the stadium, so everything seemed very new and surreal to me. This game was important to a lot of Koreans because it was the ultimate match between Ryu Hyun Jin (류현진) and Choo Shin Soo (추신수). 

I sat in area 46, Row F, Seat 7, which is basically on the ground level on the right field. It was slightly too far to the right to see Ryu pitch, but that's okay, it was still exciting to see the people I always see on TV in real life. Also, Puig was standing right in front of our section! So that was very fun!

As soon as Alyssa and I got up to grab something to eat, everything started happening REAL FAST! Schumaker  made his second home run of the season! And then Psy (싸이) and Song Seung Hyun (송승헌) came out on the big screen! My heart basically dropped! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to snap a picture of it at that moment :(

The final score of the game was 4-1 with the Dodgers win. Here are some pictures to commemorate the win: 

This is Ryu practicing before the game.

Alyssa (right), Gloria/me (left)

This is how close I was sitting to Puig :) 

Yes, the guy with the red socks is Choo. 

Puppy101 :: Candy

As you all know I have a little Chorkie (Chihuahua and Yorkie mix) puppy. She is 2 years old, and is turning 3 in November. No matter how old she gets, she is always going to be my little puppy.

Ever since I was younger, I remember asking my parents to let us raise a puppy, but the answer was always a flat "no." But after getting Candy, I understood why they always said no. Puppies are such a handful and take a big part of your days. However, I cannot get enough of her! :) 

It took my family a couple of months to potty train her and to get her use to the surroundings for her new home. We took her to a couple different vets because we didn't like the customer service that most were giving us. Candy went through a lot with our family in the 2 years that she lived with us. She had bilateral ear infections when she was about 1 year old, which required anaesthesia and ear flushing. At that time, she was diagnosed with bilateral patellar subluxation. This means that the hid-knee joint pops in and out of the socket and does not fit properly. Eventually, she is going to need to surgery and I'm not fully ready for that day to come. If any of you had a puppy with this problem, please feel free to leave a comment below. And lastly, a couple of weeks ago, she had a bad vomiting and diarrhea episode. Of course there are other episodes, but thankful those did not cause any problems. 

I have such a long way to go with puppy care, but I love Candy with all of my heart. I always say that if I don't get married, I'm just going to be the old dog lady. I am going to start another section of my blog for Puppy101 where I will post new things I learn about dogs and upload pictures of Candy. 


Relationships :: Diversity

Quick Update:
Since the last post, I have been busy with school and work. I just finished my first midterm this week, so I figured I have enough time to make a blog post before going back into study-mode.

So today, I have another relationship post, but today it's about diversity. What does diversity mean to you guys? In my opinion, diversity is not only a person's ethnicity or cultural background. It can be anything. Do you have a disability? Do you have any insecurities? (For those of you that live in the U.S.) Do you consider yourself an American? Have you faced racism? Do you have anyone in your family who is LGBTQ? Do you have a religion you are affiliated with? And lastly, do you believe in God? In my opinion, your answers to these questions can help you determine whether you had a chance to experience diversity in your life.

There are over 7 billion people living on Earth today. Personally, I encounter diversity every day, whether it is at school, clinicals, or work. As an orientation leader on campus, we go through a brief diversity course. I have learned that what we label as diversity is usually built on stereotypes that we encountered. For example, we have all heard the statement, "Asian women are bad drivers." But are they really? No, not all of them are. We need to learn to look at a person for who they personally are, not by what background they come from. Just like the saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover," we should NOT judge a person by their ethnic background or by how they look.

Although I say all of this. I am only human. I also face situations where I'm judging other people based on their ethnic background. However, as I get to know the person, these thoughts quickly shatter and disappear. I have gone through this situation many times, yet I still find myself acting the same. We are all children of God, so we are all sisters and brothers in Christ, right? From this second forward, I want to take baby steps in seeing people as my brother and sister in Christ. God loves them as who they are, so who am I  to judge a person based off of my human thoughts?

So what is your story? What are your thoughts about diversity?

Manicure Monday :: China Glaze Refresh Mint & Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow

Day before summer classes start.
I will have to take this off before Thursday, but I wanted to post something before I go crazy with classes. Eck!

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Relationships :: The Power of Forgiveness

Today's blog post is going to be a little different. I want you all to start off by reading this short passage:

" Forgiveness is a choice. It is not a feeling-don't try and feel forgiving. It is an act of will. "Don't wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving," wrote Neil Anderson. "You will never get there." Feelings take time to heal after the choice to forgive is made ..." We allow God to bring the hurt up from our past, for "if your forgiveness doesn't visit the emotional core of your life, it will be incomplete." We acknowledge that it hurt, that it mattered, and we choose to extend forgiveness to our father, our mother and those who hurt us. This is not saying, "it didn't really matter"; it is not saying, "I probably deserved part of it anyways." Forgiveness says, "It was wrong. Very wrong. It mattered, hurt me deeply. And I release you. I give you to God." "

A person has many different types of relationships. There are no promises that a relationship will hold only positive memories. In all relationships, whether it is with family, friends, significant others, the strengthening factor is forgiveness. 

Although I read this passage multiple of times, I could not understand. God tells us to forgive, but it is not considered forgiving if I say, "I forgive, yet I do not forget." As a human, I, too, hold grudges. There are people that I do not want to be with, especially if they have hurt me in the past. So the question is this: "How am I suppose to forgive, if my action do not reflect my want to forgive?"

I turned to my best friend with this exact question. She simply replied, "God made the ultimate sacrifice with his son.We did not deserve to be forgiven, but out of love, He made that sacrifice." And then, everything clicked. God forgave me for all of my sins, yet what power do I have to say, "No, I do not want to forgive that person." If God forgives, I, too, should be forgiving one thousand times over. But once again, I am human. That is why it is best to forgive by lay your problems down to God. When the time is ready, He will fix all. Take things one step at a time. 

Manicure Monday :: China Glaze For Audrey

2nd post for today :)

Manicure Monday is something that Jen from frmheadtotoe calls her nail polish posts.

I may or may not have consistent Manicure Monday blog posts, but I will post as often as I can.

I painted my nails with China Glaze's "For Audrey"  a couple hours ago... meaning it was still Monday when I painted them.

This is what I do while painting my nails... Watching Pitch Perfect for the 100th time :) 

Nick Vujicic on Healing Camp

Today, I watched Healing Camp. It's a popular Korean talk show, and for this week's episode, they brought out Nick Vujicic. I have seen Youtube videos of his speeches before, but today I was struck once again by his story and the love he has for everyone. Every word that came out of his mouth was so inspirational and motivational. Aside from this, he also talked about how he met his wife. They have such a beautiful and amazing story. The story goes like this:

Before Nick Vujicic went to Texas to give one of his speeches, his friend told him that there is someone she wants him to meet. After giving this speech, he went to a bell tower to meet this person his friend has told him about. There were two women that came to the bell tower that night, one being the person he is married to today (Kanae). He stated that as soon as he saw her, he felt firework going off in his heart. They both ended the night planning on emailing each other in the future. However, the person the friend wanted to introduce was actually Kanae's sister (the second person that was at the bell tower that night).

After this night, the friend asked what he thought of her (speaking of Kanae's sister). He simply stated that he liked her. Because of this miscommunication, Nick did not receive any emails from Kanae. On his next trip to Texas, he went to Kanae's house only to find out that she had gone on a date with her boyfriend, which she had dated for one year. That night, he met with her and asked if she was going to marry her boyfriend, and she replied, "No." When he asked about why she had not emailed her, she said it was because she heard that he liked her sister. When they finally cleared up the miscommunication , Nick said two words, "Bell Tower." She answered, "Our eyes." 

Knowing that he was not the only one who fell in love that night, he decided to do one thing. He wanted to make sure this is what God had planned for the both of them. Nick and Kanae promised not to have any form of communication (email, phone calls, or texts) until the next time they met. After a couple months, Nick went to Texas to met her; this is when he realized that his love for her was even greater than before. This is when they started their journey together. 

He proposed to her by putting the ring in a cake. He ate the cake and told her that he was going to kiss her hand and he put the ring on with his mouth. With this, they started their journey together as man and wife. Now, they have the most adorable 4 month old boy. 

This story was so inspirational. I realized that God has his plans, so we need to wait patiently until God tells us it is time. (: One day, I hope to meet a guy that is a man of God to begin my journey of life with. 

Wet n Wild's Cotton Mouth

As a nursing student we are not allowed to wear nail polish, BUT I am absolutely in love with them. I will start doing nail polish posts as often as I can.
So for today, I have on Wet n Wild's Cotton Mouth.


Hi. My name is Gloria.
I'm still trying to decide what to blog about.
But as for now, this is Candy (my little Chorkie):

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