Talk It Out :: Reflecting on 2014

As I was staring at the white space on the "compose" page of my blog, I started thinking about topics that I could talk about. Since this will probably be my last post of 2014, I didn't want to finish with another product review or haul post. I wanted to talk about something meaningful, so I decided to reflect back on my year with my readers.

2014 was a year of accomplishments, dreams, and history. I finished my 5 years of nursing school, graduated college, passed my NCLEX, and lastly got hired at a hospital where I never imagined I would be at. On the other hand, 2014 was also a year where I was tired, lost faith, and was afraid. I was tired of the gossip, the negativity, and the untrue friendships. I found myself growing apart from church and God. And lastly, at one point, I was afraid about how my future would turn out.

Wow, this year had been somewhat of a long rollercoaster for me.

Puppy 101 :: BarkBox Subscription (November/December 2014)

Hi Everyone!

I posted a little update regarding why I've been MIA for so long, but in short, I've just had all my electronic devices fail on me around the same time. So this is another reason I wasn't able to post updates about BarkBox and what Candy thinks of it. Let me give a quick snippet of the November box, and then I'll show the December box.

Quick Update & Manicure Monday :: Zoya Quinn

Hey Everyone,

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas :) I know I've been MIA for the longest time, but I have a good excuse! (well, I think it's a decent excuse) Both the computer and laptop I have at home stopped working and I just didn't have the time to go out shopping for new electronics. But now, I have a new and upgraded desktop, so now, I can post things more regularly.

So for my big comeback, I have a new Manicure Monday post for you. I apologize for the quality of the pictures ahead of time. I usually try to use natural lighting, but I had to use my bathroom lighting late at night because I had to remove my nail polish because I had a chip on one of my nails and it was irritating me. Is it just me? Or does anyone else have that pet peeve?

Okay, so let's start! A couple of weeks ago, Zoya had a sale on their website where you were able to get 3 nail polishes and 1 remover for $20. As a nail polish collector, I couldn't pass up on this opportunity! The first polish out of the three I chose was the color Quinn.