Talk It Out :: Reflecting on 2014

As I was staring at the white space on the "compose" page of my blog, I started thinking about topics that I could talk about. Since this will probably be my last post of 2014, I didn't want to finish with another product review or haul post. I wanted to talk about something meaningful, so I decided to reflect back on my year with my readers.

2014 was a year of accomplishments, dreams, and history. I finished my 5 years of nursing school, graduated college, passed my NCLEX, and lastly got hired at a hospital where I never imagined I would be at. On the other hand, 2014 was also a year where I was tired, lost faith, and was afraid. I was tired of the gossip, the negativity, and the untrue friendships. I found myself growing apart from church and God. And lastly, at one point, I was afraid about how my future would turn out.

Wow, this year had been somewhat of a long rollercoaster for me.

I know that as this new year approaches us, we are all going to scramble to get our PERFECT New Year Resolutions list together. However, I hope you all will decide to make realistic goals. No one knows yourself better than you, so don't lie to yourself. As for me, I want to focus this new year on the word, "Promise."

In one of my last posts, I said that I would post more regularly on my blog. This simple statement that I published in my blog was a form of a promise that I made to my readers. I know I've said that same statement in the past, but I've failed to follow through many times. Honestly, I feel like I get discouraged many times writing on this blog. I write these blog posts because it's fun for me, but sometimes I can't help to think, "Is anyone even reading my posts?" As I am a human being, I get really excited when someone favorites my tweet about my new blog post, or if I get a new follower on BlogLovin'.

But in this upcoming year, I want to promise that I will step my foot out of my comfort zone. I've always wanted to try making YouTube videos, and I think in 2015, I'll actually try it out. As for my relationship with God and church, this song called, "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller really opened my eyes, heart, and mind.

I Love You all! Thank you for reading. I hope we all have an awesome first step into 2015, together.

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