Motivation? Oh, it's on Spring Vacation!

Hey y'all,

Once again, I'm writing this post pretty late at night. It's like 11:30 PM on a Sunday night, and I barely finished my school work (like always... procrastination at it's finest right here!) *sad face*

Do you guys ever have that moment when you're SUPER tired, but you can't sleep or get yourself to do anything else, so you just sit, or in my case, lie in bed, looking through the same Instagram feed that you saw like three times already? No? Am I just the weird one? Yes? Okay, fine, don't judge me~ Or maybe there was a little too much caffeine in my black tea. I think I'm feeling palpitations D:

So the topic that I want to cover tonight is motivation. What motivates you in your every day life? Could be with work, school, or even something simple like getting out of bed in the morning! --I really hope someone is reading this and I'm not just talking to myself--or if I am, that's fine too, I guess.

These days, I'm find myself lacking motivation. I was actually talking about this with my friend last week. I was trying to think of reasons why and when I lost my motivation or if it's just me being lazy. To give you a quick snapshot of my life, I've basically been slacking so much that I don't even know which week of material I need to catch up! Yup, that's how bad it is. It's seriously driving me insane! I don't think I've ever felt this unmotivated before! See that rubber duck picture at the top of this post? That one at the wayyy end that fell over... THAT'S ME! (Does the number of exclamation points I used in this one paragraph really show you how this is driving me crazy? Ok, let's be real, I've always been a procrastinator, but I honestly don't think it was ever this bad...)

So as I mentioned in my previous post, I am back in school pursuing my MSN (Master of Science in Nursing), with a nursing education option. This semester, I'm taking nursing informatics, nursing research, and advanced physical assessment. I'm not saying that these subjects are not important because they are, but I guess I (personally) am not making a connection between how some of these class are going to help me in nursing education. Nursing education is a pretty new option on my campus, and it's integrated with the NP (Nurse Practitioner) programs, so we are required to take everything they take in the first year. Maybe I'm a little bitter that all our professors think we're NP students, or that the 10-15 nurse educator students are and will never be recognized as advanced practiced nurses (APNs) even though we take the same core courses. So why don't I become a NP? I seriously get asked this question way too often, so here is my answer...

it's SIMPLE.

Because I don't want to. I want to be an educator. My dream "job" when I was in Elementary School was to be a teacher, and my desire to teach is still there. I want to teach student nurses how to give their first subcutaneous injections, I want to walk them through their first IV insertions, I want to give students the confidence to speak up when they want to experience or witness something they're interested in, I want to empower students/new nurses, I want show new nurses how teamwork between your coworkers will get them through a tough shift, I want them to know that I'm going to do my best to be a resource for them and lastly, I want to be there for them when they feel overwhelmed with their new role and need someone to talk to. I had amazing professors, clinical instructors, preceptors, and educators that showed me these amazing characteristics and qualities and I want to be the one to spread the love. BUT if you ever give a non confused patient a cup of medications, and say, "Here are your pills" and expect them to take it without explaining every single one to them, I WILL fail you for the day, you have been warned! They don't speak English? Oh perfect, today is the day you get to learn how to use the translating system.

Does that answer the question? Now, every time someone asks me that question, I should just refer them to this post, haha! ;)

Dang, writing this post was kind of therapeutic~ I'll leave with one final note: I have a goal in my career. I already took a step towards being a nurse educator by volunteering to be trained as a preceptor. Being a preceptor ain't easy! I lost my voice the last time I precepted, and it made me think, "Is that extra $1 worth it?" But yes, heck yes it was/is. It really tests your patience sometimes, but at the end of the shift, my preceptee thanked me and told me this was the most he ever got out of the three days he had precepted. Uh... SUCCESS! *Victory Dance Time*

Ultimately, I have a goal. It may take me a while to get there, but I have a goal. And you all know how that saying goes, "If there's a will, there's a way!"

Let's all keep that in mind, and start the week off strong!

Love you all. xoxo

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