DIY :: Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Hey Everyone! 

Today, I'm coming to you guys with my first ever beauty-DIY blog post. I made my very own Apple Cider Vinegar Toner. (Disclaimer: This is not my own recipe. I came across it on Pinterest. I don't remember exactly which blog/website I got it off from, but I am so thankful for such innovative people in our beauty world!)

So, lets talk a little about the uses of apple cider vinegar (ACV). According to Authority Nutrition, there are various health benefits of this type of vinegar. In short, it can lower blood sugar, prevent heart diseases, and assist with weight loss. Now, I know you're thinking, "Hold on, let me run out and buy a bottle right now!" Before you start ingesting this vinegar, remember, increased amounts of something "good" can have a bad outcome. There are side effects, so please, do your research first!

Now, onto some of the beauty uses. From my quick research, I realized there are SO many uses of ACV! It can be used as hair rinse, teeth whitener, sunburn remedy, toner, and facial masks. Today, lets just focus on the toner. Many use ACV as a toner to get rid of inflammation from acne or break outs. Personally, I started using it for my pores. I can do a whole blog post just on pores, but let me save you from the boredom. One thing that I can tell you is, I've noticed that my pores are a lot more cleaner and less BAM in-your-face than before. Is that TMI? Nahh, you all know what I'm talking about, right?   

So lets get on to telling you how I made my very own ACV toner. You only need three things: 

1. Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (I got mine from Trader Joe's)
2. Distilled Water
3. A bottle to store the product 

I used the ratio 1:5 (vinegar: water) because I wasn't sure how my skin would react to the acid in the vinegar. If your skin is sensitive, I suggest you do the same. There you go, it's ready to use! Shake the bottle and then pour some onto a clean cotton pad and wipe over your troubled areas. That's it! 

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